The Mystery of Life and Death
A Blog Post
Imagine you are traveling in a spaceship at the speed
of light. Day by day you are moving towards a giant black
hole, which is twenty light years away. In retrospect you
remember that your journey began few years ago out of nowhere.
You did not ask for it. You were asked by the supreme commander
of the league of nations to undertake the journey, without
giving you any choice or time to think.
It was made clear to you from the time you entered the
ship that you had no chance of leaving the ship or avoiding
the journey unless you decided to die on your own. You were
also not given any power to stop the spaceship or turn it
back because all controls are locked. You have no clue who
controls them, and why and what purpose you serve in the
whole journey.
What you know is that you are on autopilot and you have
some freedom to make decisions about how you choose to live
in the limited space. With a sigh you stare into the mysterious
void in front of you, knowing that you are trapped in the
spaceship, which is hurtling itself towards the doom and
you can either make the most of it or keep yourself engaged
in numerous distractions to forget the tragedy that your
life is.
What will you do?
You may feel surprised if I tell you that you are already
on such a journey. Right now you are travelling in a spaceship
towards the black hole. In fact, it has been going on in
your life ever since you were born. Your body is the spaceship.
You are trapped in it as its lone traveler. You have no
escape. The black hole is Death, the destination of all
travelers in the journey of life. You are a few years or
decades away from it. You cannot avoid it, nor can you escape
from it. It is certain that at some point in future you
will enter that black hole.
No one knows what happens there. You do not know whether
you exist or cease to exist. The same is true with black
holes. Scientists do not clearly know what happens when
one enters a black hole. Does anyone survive? Does one enter
timelessness or eternity ora new dimension, which is unknown
and vastly beyond our knowledge and comprehension? Right
now, we have no answers to these questions.
When you set aside your religious beliefs and pay attention
to the universe and its mysterious phenomena, life seems
to be a purposeless journey. Still, it is a miracle that
we all want to make sense of it, find purpose in it and
manage to live without losing hope and zest for life. It
is a miracle and a blessing that we do our best to survive
against odds in a seemingly meaningless and purposeless